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Last view 2025-03-11, 1197 Views since 2023-12-01

Spirit Ways ! The Story

The Path
that a story takes when it is told.

The Story Starts
Person One is Looking, Seeing, Knowing, Then Understanding!
The Understanding is Shared
One Passes the Experience to Person Two. In ALL the Background and Details One Passes the excitement to Two.
Two accepts the Experience and Says
I Knew that and goes back to Life.
I thought that the knowing was new and not Experienced before and Two Knew it all along.
Two had the Knowing and did not share because Two thought One and Everyone already had this Experience for themselves.
The Sharing Completes
A Significant time elapses with One and Two Living and Using their Same Experience. One has forgotten the Disappointment.
Two lights up, Stand up, Exclaims! That is What you meant when you Shared.
Now Two Understands and the Story Completes with the final step.

The Reason
for this story being written and told.

The Creation Story that is most prevalent is taken from the Bible. Because of the source and the use of the information only religious authorized writers will attempt to study and revise and the writing.
The Science view of the story is met with a wall that says what is in the Bible is the word of God and is above the view of Science. I employ the view that the Bible is correct and the word of God written by authors inspired by God Himself. The history contains nothing that is wrong. The boring details of the story have been shortened over the thousands of years that it has been entrusted to man. I used interpolation to expand and supply details that have been lost. Nothing from the Bible information has been modified or removed.
I have changed Several interpritations of the original story are interpreted in relation to the time of occurrence and the time of writing. The first that occured is the meaning of the word 'DAY' and the many meanings of the concept that it represents. When this word was first used in the story, it had no meaning. Then it was used to represent a concept of nature 'light'. Then it was used to represent a preiod of time. It is irresponsible to assign the same period of time that it represents today to the first use of the word for a period of time. It is consistant to ensure that it is a period of time. I have extracted the first DAY to be many thousands of centuries. I do not consider any two events to take place at the same time. With that concept of time, many events are completly missing. Those events I use probably of cause-and-effect to re-insert.
Once I realized that my concept of Time is not required to match the humming bird, woodpecker, or frog, the writing in Genesis provided a new view of creation. To bring home this concept in a manor that cannot be denied, the seven day week that is creation has never ended!
The beginning of Man was unique. God did not create man. God formed a man and gave it Life. He gave Life to Man before there was a garden. If this were not true, God would have created the garden and then created man from the Garden dust.
Another unique thing is He formed a single Man. and There was no reason for Man recorded at the time. This was not the M.O. usually used by God. It was usually something of the form, "and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth." Why was this different?
Man made the garden necessary.
With the beginning of Man God split His attention again. He became "God Almighty" for His Man. The Spirit remained with all things while God the Creator continued with the organization of the world.
Man's Place in Creation was assigned to him three times. This was not a custom of language or a form of story telling. God's word is correctly recorded. God formed man from dust of the entire world. Then God put man in a garden and left us to find out why. thirdly, God placed man in the role of caretaker. I chose, for consistance, to retain truth, and to agree with observations of what remains of history, to accept these three events as thousands of centuries apart in our sense of time!
God the Creator rest on the seventh day which was never given an end.
God the All Mighty stayed with Adam and his line until it was lost in history with the birth of God's Son.
The Spirit continues today as the spirit of all things here and needed in the future of things to be.
If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?
Adam did nothing wrong. Adam did nothing. Adam was never accepted as other creations were.
Abel did what was right by working the land as directed. Cain ended Abel after he was accepted by God.
Man was indeed Put on earth twice. The first time was on the sixth day of creation: 'Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule ⋯ over all creatures ⋯'.'⋯ in the image of God Hhe created them; male and female ⋯'.
AND the second: 'So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work ⋯'.
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.
Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.
I will endevor to find the stories of mankind in the various locations on the face of the whole earth.