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Last view 2025-03-08, 580 Views since 2023-12-01

Spirit Ways There All The Time The Pattern

There is a first problem.
The Spirit is old. But this means nothing because the idea is based on Time.
Time is not part of The Spirit!
We need a base to build on. It is Our Thing. Our Thing will be it Exists.
But 'Exists' also means nothings!
There must be a rule for a system to function.
The Spirit makes the rules! The Spirit breaks the rules!!
The Spirit has no rules!!!

The spirit is everything.
The ways of the spirit show diffirent characteristics of the spirit. There is a way for everything. There is a way that is organized. There is a way that is creative. And there are the other many ways.
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Among the many ways is a combination called God. God created and organized. Until then there may have been only the ways.
The Bible is a record of the works of God. The record is part of every creation for the use of the created if needed.
The record is true and short and crafty as secrets are hidden in plain sight.
All that is is the spirit and the spirit is all that is.
What you see is the spirit and what you don't see is the spirit.
The spirit make its characteristics and it is seen.
The spirit make its characteristics and it is hidden.
The spirit make its characteristics and it is solid.
The spirit make its characteristics and it is fluid.
The spirit make its characteristics and it passes by.
The spirit make its characteristics and it bounces off.
The spirit make its characteristics and it becomes what it touches.
The spirit make its characteristics and it follows rules.
The spirit make its characteristics and it makes new rules.
God exists and is the only creator and the creations belong to Him.

I next see the spirit in the garden, God's Lab for creation, in the form of a serpent. and it is recorded as this.
"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made."
The record does not say "other wild aninals".
Hidden is that the serpent is not of the wild animals the Lord God had made.
And looking back in the record, "In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."
This is after the record that "The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food."
Hidden is that the two trees in the middle were the spirit present in the Garden.
There are other ways hidden in the Bible. Preception is Reality. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil would not have been in the Garden if not placed there by other ways. Probably God did not stop the two trees from being placed in the Garden because the records says they are here.
We can see this and then understand because Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
We will now remember and judge that God did not want us to have this knowledge. We will not judge this as good or evil.
We do not see The Cain and Able part as the creation story.
God had to handle the two extra trees and the fact that the woman did eat of the tree.
(What would there be to handle if Eve was faster and ate from both extra trees?)
God kept hold of what he had formed in man. God moved man ourside with Human Kind that he created. He did not remove the Garden but kept everything. He locked everything away from all but Him. He placed cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.
The rest of genesis is the story of God.
The story of the rest of Creation is in another place.