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Spirit Ways ! The Book Chapter 1


1. In the beginning God created

God created the heavens and the earth.

Chapter 1 What is there when there is nothing?

If you want to know what it is like to become God, all you need to do is remember when you were born. of course you can't. by the time you can remember it is all over. You do not remember when you were not aware because you were not aware. We are created in God's image. Only a few realize what that means. We already know all we need to know. It is part of each of us, we just don't remember where to find it.

When I was born, I was alone but had everything that existed around me. I had no shape or form. I reached out and touched things but did not know what I touched. I sensed things but did not know what I sensed. I went to sleep but woke up in the same condition as I left. All this chaos all around me. There was no time or place in my world. It was very much an adventure. I needed to find something that was missing so I kept reaching out into the nothingness and chaos.

Can you remember that? I can not. I see others come after me and sort of remember, but not really. This is the beginning that God also gave to us as part of his image.

This was the first part of becomming God. When I did this I found others. When God did this, he found nothing. Or did he. Wait, he found chaos! There was no plan, no pattern, No organization. He found more energy like himself. He found that he could gather this energy and influence it. He looked at what he found and saw what was changing in the energy that formed the chaos. In the chaos that he gathered he found he had control over the changing characteristics. This is what being aware means to God; He called his awareness "God".

He had something to work with. God found "Good" and "Better" and the idea of choice in his work. When organization and separation were added to the work, choice became essential. God found all the changes in the characteristics of energy in the chaos and experimented with the organization and grouping and arrangements of energy with various characteristics. God found that organization is better than chaos. He spread the organization and found it acceptable and accepted. The chaos deminished and many patterns became evident. These patterns expanded and collected as God worked with all the various characteristics. God varied the organization and grouping and arrangement of energy with various characteristics and evaluated the effects. God found energies with the characteristic of movement. When God found that this movement increased the disorganization, he added control to the movement. The control that worked best was a simple path that was repeated, a circle. The smaller the path, the more effect on the chaos. Interaction of some the organizations and groupings and arrangements of energies with various other organizations and groupings and arrangements of energies became evident. God applied the path where it was needed.

An idea needed to be created to help with the organization, location. Part of the interaction caused energies to attract and push other engeries. The location of one energy changed the location of another energy. This could be interesting with so much energy and so many variations. The pushing and pulling was actually moving these other organized energies. The increase in organization caused the rapid, chaotic changing to be replaced by stable, organized changing. God created the idea of location or place or demension to apply to this attracting and repelling. This work was becomming interesting. The organization and order was becomming complex.

God called this work "creating". God found that part of organizing and ordering activity required another idea and God created "time". He called this time "now" and named this now as "the beginning". God recorded this activity using 5 words and God continued to spread and improve the organzation. Then God organized energies that did not attrack and repell other energies and called them heavens. On the other hand God organized energies that did attrack and repell other energies and called them earth. As God observed the organization to this point he was pleased. He did not favor either plan over the other to use for the entire universe. There was much in favor of earth. The speration made creating things easier. But that plan would require locations so close together that the individual creations would not stand out. There was much in favor of heaven. All the eventual creations in heaven would be close together as nothing would separate one from the other. God saw all the variations and organizations were good. He kept everything and organized everything.

God recorded the progress by naming the plans. using the names previously considered. The 5 words and God kept the rest of the energies as the spirit or spirits if you want more than one. Right now God considered himself as God The Creator. God The Spirit is always everywhere watching and helping too. For now, God The Creator remains the central character in the story.

As a note to remember, these are the first words. Words are for man to organize and share ideas. The ideas change but the words remain. Consider the word heavens. That word has a history, but not now. Now it means all these different things that aren't taking up a location. And the word earth. Now that words means everything that does take up a location location. And we don't know the word 'day'. That word is going to cause trouble.

God finds the earth more interesting as a place to create more things. We need to remember that earth is the only thing with a place. There was no organization in the earth. God knew things as "formless and empty, darkness". And He continued to organize. He gathered earth things closer and looked "over the surface of the deep," God was in the zone of creating. The Spirit of God was hovering over the earth, over the deep, over the waters. God had created this from the formless, empty darkness with only a thought behind a word.

God was just getting started with this mode of creating, working with the eager energy, when he noticed the work was not as intense for him as it was when the work was started. Some of the reluctant spirit was joining in the activity and the enjoyment as much, almost, as God The Creator. To recognize this envolvment, God modified the creating process. Creating things with a word was working great so far, Much more was to come. God welcomed and acknowledged the envolvment. The next creations would be different. God changed the 'word' in to a 'command' for the spirits and energies wanting to work. God The Creator said to the heavens, 'Let there be light'. And it happened! God The Creator was very pleased. God saw that the light was good. God would remember to do this more in the next creation.

More and more energies that were gathered in earth required the path to be applied to their movement. Organizations and groupings and arrangements of energies felt movement as a unit and applied the path idea to the movements. Movement within movement within movement followed paths. everything that was 'earth' accept the idea to increase the organization. Soon all things that moved and needed control was helped by the idea of a path. Light belong to the heavens and could pass inside the earth. Light did not interfer with some energies and did interfer with others. There was still darkness in some locations of earth. God could not resist giving names to 'day' and 'night'.

At the same time God started another set events that would impact what the results of the creation process could look like. God took part of the earth he was creating and set it aside for a garden. A place to try out a concept that required the acceptance from a creation. God had been pleased with the acceptance of his creation by the spirit and energy that exists around him. He was very pleased but knew that the feeling could not be forced. That feeling was accepted by choice. God knew things were good. The spirit knew that things were good. The spirit and energies followed the plans and organized by choice. Nothing was forced and everything was in balance.

God was going to allow one of his creations to accept this. The creation would be given the work of caretaker, caretaker of all creation, if he accepted it. The ultimate creation would be a creation to care for all creation. This had to be accepted by the creation, not forced upon it.

God created this and called it Man. God formed Man from the earth. God formed Man from the dust of the ground. God breathed the breath of Life into Man and the man became a living being. God placed man in the garden. God also planted a preview of all the plants and trees that man should/could/would be allowed to care for. God put a special tree in the center of the garden. God told the man not to eat the fruit from this tree unless he chose to accept the duty of caretaker. If he ate the fruit he would be more than a living being. He would gain the knowledge to choose the good from the bad for all creation. All man had to do was to eat the fruit that no other creation would be able to eat. When man ate the fruit from this tree and died, there was another tree, the Tree of Life, that he would need for the duty of caretaker. Eat the fruit from the tree, die as a living being, become the caretaker forever. Your choice. In this garden you will come to know all creation before Gods creates it in the world outside the garden. No other creation will do; this was for Man only.

Man recorded this later in a different way. Man would come to think that God would never offer such an opportunity to one of his creations. God knew that he would never force such an opportunity on one of his creations. Man remembered it as, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” Man would never pass up such an opportunity, would he? Was it a command, a challenge, a warning, or an opportunity?
God waited for man to choose.
Man waited.
