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Spirit Ways ! Beginning

This content works like this-
This left side will contain 'what I am talking about'
Genesis 1
New International Version
The Beginning
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
The right side presents What I say about it.
The red text will show the part on the left that I refer to with the words. The Chapter of the Bible that a passage comes from will be in red. By passing your cursor over the red text, the text on the left will also turn red.
Another example will turn off the previous and turn the new reference. The time that sets the scene.

is the gift of God in the first chapter of the Bible. I have always wondered about the beginning of the Bible. Why start there. Why call each period of creation a day. The solution took 80 years for me to see. The creation story is about creating all those 'things' but the author snuck in the one troubling thing that never even got noticed. God created time to put events in order! God created location to put things in relation to each other.
Before the Beginning
there was all energy ⋯
E=mc2 was in effect and at work with energy. Energy and Matter were doing and undoing and redoing and ⋯
And yet, instead,⋯ the total amount of matter and energy within it balance as perfectly as we can measure.

There was no purpose or organization.
Everything was now. Everything was here.
This is my view not the word of God, God hadn't become yet,
Then there was purpose and organization: part of this came together and called itself God.

Images - us and God
God made us in his image, that means using the organizational plan that is used by God. God shows His image by the seven Days of the creation story.
When Science is allowed to know more details, it will find energy with purpose and organization.
So God looks like us? No
We work like God. Our life have seven periods similar to God's.
We are energy connected with matter as God is energy connected with all his creations! Our seventh day will also never have an end! How great is that and what potential for ...

Time as we know it is different for all God's creations.
The Bear and Frog have time stop when their existance requires it.
Well almost stop.
The Hummingbird and the woodpecker have time speed up so they can move their wings and heads faster than the other creations as required to function.
God created time!
Knowledge that is required for Life
is passed to new plants with the energy to grow when conditions are ready or wait until they are.
The energy and matter change back and forth as God connects with all his creations! How great is that and what potential for ...

Religion explains Science
When we Understand.
Science presents the details
For those who search for the How of energy and matter