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Spirit Ways ! The Book Introduction

The source is my mind to show that this is an original thought!

1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

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Preface - Introduction

Why was this book written?

One definition of Religion is a set of organized beliefs, practices, and systems that most often relate to the belief and worship of a controlling force, such as a personal god or another supernatural being.

Another definition of Religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.

One definition of science is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.

"ideas about the relationship between science and religion" must keep in mind that creation happened before science and religion were created!

Both science and religion talks about the creation of whatever exists now from nothing. There is only documentation attributed to religion.

The thought was that the creeation story from science and all religions should match if the religion is from the creator.The logical scientific conlusion is to take the religious text as a scientific text and form the theory!

The creation stories that I am familiar with are from the Bible and from science textbooks. The oldest text is where this book starts.

I started reading again with a different eye to what was said and what was not said, the eye of an anaylst, scientist, investigator. If this were a science reading, how would it read? This point of view and the assumption that everything I read was true, allowed the theory to form about the possible missing information concerning any cause and effect relationship of the facts provided in the Bible.

This became easier when I realized that the first book did not say or imply that many of my assumptions about God were true and given in the Bible. These ideas were first in the minds of my teachers and handed to them by their teachers and on and on.

The reading starts with "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Given that I beleived that God started with nothing, the first thing mentioned is God! Therefore God came first! How and from what? What is there when nothing is there? I decided that it must be called Energy! That is the most thing there when there is nothing to see.

I thought of electricity and I thought of light and I thought of magnetism. I thought of Einstien and this formula, E=mc2 . Does it work backwards? Is there a formula for m=E... There should be! Of course there is!?

Theory: The first thing in the Bible became first. God became...and is energy named God. Then God influenced or changed or forced or ... other energy to become heaven and still other to become earth.

So the theory so far was: There is all this Energy with no organization, plan, awareness. Some Energy became aware and called itself God. God created heaven from some Energy. God created earth from other Energy. And there is still more Energy to work with.

Is this a theory that I could beleive? I have seen lightning in a storm. That is Energy changing form into light and sound. Or maybe matter changing form into light and sound. I can see clouds form in clear air and I can feel air move. Yes, I can beleive this. God created the heavens. No problem for me with the first sentence in the Bible!

I am on my way and starting with my new point of view. I will be careful to remain consistant with all the science I know and still keep the religious training unbroken.

OMG. I sat up in the middle of the night with a new thought that I need to disprove. Matter is what we can see. Matter is energy we can see. Matter is energy formed is such a way that it is visible and takes up space. Matter is energy. Matter is energy taking up space. There is really only energy!? When we can look deep enough into matter we will finally find only energy!?!.
